It has recently come to our attention that a member of Congress in California, Richard Pombo (R-Calif), is taking proactive measures to encourage coastal whale hunting and marine mammal harvesting to international audiences. In light of recent actions, it might arise that Pombo will become a proponent of the Makah hunt here in the U.S. as well.
Apparently, Pombo recently sent a prerecorded address to an international meeting of the World Council of Whalers in Reykjavik, Iceland, this past March 27-30, when they met for their second General Assembly. The World Council of Whalers is an international organization for the support of whaling globally. They are centered outside of Victoria, B.C., across from the Makah’s Neah Bay.
Pombo addressed the WCW in a video-taped message to announce his support of whale hunts, stressing the importance of management techniques to marine resources, preserving cultural identities and bringing the true story of whalers’ lifestyle to the public.
We encourage everyone to quickly contact his office and express their extreme opposition to this advocacy on behalf of whalers.
Please contact:
Hon. Richard W. Pombo
11th Congressional District, California
Rm. 1519 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-1947
(202) 225-0861 Fax
Francis Jeffrey