In three separate “letters to the editor” of your edition dated Feb. 28, 2002, the “Spin Doctors” of open space and wetlands, Steve Uhring, Lloyd Ahern and Ozzie Silna, would have your readers believe that “ball fields and our children” were their top priority from the list of ten categories of land acquisition listed in the text of Bond Measure K.
Nowhere in reviewing the campaign mailers, flyers and newspaper ads used for support of Measure K by the Malibu Coalition for Land and Parks (MCLP) and Malibu Coast Land Conservancy (MCLC) did they indicate “ball fields” were their top priority. If ball fields were mentioned at all, it was to limit the funds to be spent on them to a small per cent of the $15 million. The above referenced writers, it should be noted, are either members or contributors or both of the MCLP and MCLC.
These two politically motivated single-purpose organizations and their “Spin Doctors” refused to allow Bond Measure K to come before the voters in the General City Election to be held on April 9, 2002, so that the poorly written measure could be re-written ensuring that “playing fields” were the first priority of the $15 million. Measure K’s Special Election defeat cost Malibuites $45,000 in unnecessary expense.
A thank you, NOW, to Steve Uhring, Lloyd Ahern and Ozzie Silna for their letters supporting Malibu ball fields, something that the community could not get from them prior to the last Special Bond election. If we had that support, and they had allowed the Measure to be re-written ensuring adequate money and priority for playing fields for our children, we would be breaking ground for new playing fields this year.
John Harlow
Doug O’Brien