Plan hits bump in road


Has anyone noticed that the Pt. Dume Sidewalk Project is incomplete? What happened to the section along Fernhill, below Sea Ranch Way up to Grayfox? If the asphalt paving was sufficient as a walkway there, then why was money spent to remove the same on Grayfox?

The city removed my fencing without compensation, in order to be ADA compliant. Well, the mailboxes that are placed in the sidewalk along the route render the project non-compliant. Yet they remain! Why?

Also, the impact upon parking was minimal. Well, upper Grayfox lost over half of its available parking and a resident across from the sidewalk from my home is allowed to retain landscaping on city property, despite my repeated request to the city that it be removed. This has not happened. Why?

For all the parents and children who pushed this ill-executed project through, why do I not see you walking to school? I have witnessed, on a daily basis, the same few families walk by, spending some real time with each other, laughing and talking, and yet I can count many more I see driving to school, even though these children live along the sidewalk route. Why?

The sidewalks were supposed to make it safer to walk this route. Well, I continue to see cars and trucks (the city’s) run through the stop signs. The speeding has become worse. Other communities, such as Pacific Palisades and Beverly Hills, have speed bumps on residential streets to mitigate speeding. The city has refused to do so, despite an increase of traffic on Point Dume. While I support the sidewalks and, frankly, think they should be placed all over the Point and Malibu, the city’s abdication of responsibility for the safety of the residents here is hard to fathom.

Martha Fling