Malibu’s adopted ‘Gators’ 101st Air Assault Company asks for help


For the past two years, the citizens of Malibu have opened their hearts to the 125 men of the Alpha Company of the 101st Air Assault Division stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. During the Iraqi Freedom campaign, Malibuites sent letters and care packages to our boys. In addition, the community collected money for a party for them, which was held upon their return home. Recently, several citizens donated money for each of the families to have a real Thanksgiving dinner.

When we asked what was on their wish list for the holiday season, the 125 soldiers collectively requested a shirt that is worn under their body armor so that the moisture is wicked from their body allowing them to stay cooler in the heat and warmer in the cold. Sometimes the temperatures reach 140 degrees. Our Gators are scheduled to return to Iraq in the near future and these shirts will become an important part of their gear. The costs of the shirts run $30 apiece. The Kiwanis Club of Malibu came to our rescue. Through their generosity, they funded the costs of $1,500, while finding a special vendor who is also willing to reduce the costs of the shirts for them to half of the original price. We thank the Kiwanis Club of Malibu for their support.

We are thrilled to have succeeded in the funding for one shirt for each soldier, and now, because of the generosity of our Malibu community, we are succeeding in getting funds for a second shirt for each one. We are also still seeking funds and/or in kind donations so that other much needed items can be obtained for the benefit of our boys. We encourage the community to open their hearts and give what you can. It is all very appreciated by the young soldiers.

America Supporting Americans (WWW.ASA-USA.ORG) is the parent organization that coordinates the armed forces adopt-a-unit program plus much more. There are no administrative charges taken from the donations. All money donated goes directly to the units adopted by the cities. The donations are tax deductible. Please make out any check or money order donation to: America Supporting Americans (note on the bottom “For the Gators”) and send to: The Gators, 23852 Pacific Coast Hwy. #101, Malibu, Ca 90265

We thank you for your help and support, and hope you will forward this on to your friends.

Ken Kearsley

Malibu City Council

Marissa Coughlan

City of Malibu Liaison to A.S.A