Calendar events are scheduled in advance and may be subject to change. Verify dates and times by calling the informational number provided. Submission deadline is Friday at 1 p.m. Please fax submissions to The Malibu Times, c/o Calendar Editor, at 310.456.8986,"or"e-mail"to


WED., JAN. 19

MALIBU BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The topic is “The Last Five Days of Pompeii” by Sir Edward G.E. Bowler-Lytton at Point Dume Mobile Home Park, 25000 Heathercliff Dr., 1 p.m., 456.2489 ext. 260

BREAKFAST SEMINAR CPA Anne Vogel presents “Wealth-Building Strategies 2005: Business and Tax Planning” at Mort’s Oak Room, 1035 Swarthmore Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 8 a.m. 454.7667


FINANCIAL SEMINAR Michael Saunders presents “Income & Growth Strategies for 2005,” 4:45 p.m. and on Jan. 22 at 9 a.m. 818.338.8178

FRI., JAN. 21

PIANO RECITAL Andrew von Oeyen performs at St. Matthew’s Church, 1031 Bienveneda Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 8 p.m. $22. 573.7787 ext. 2

SAT., JAN. 22

BOOK SIGNING Authors sign “Vaginas: An Owner’s Manual” at Barnes and Noble, 4375 Commons Way in Calabasas, 4 p.m. 818.222.0542

MALIBU PONY LEAGUE Tryouts for boys age 13-14 at Malibu High School, 30215 Morning View Dr., 10 a.m. 457.3156

MALIBU MOUNTAIN ARCHERY CLUB Open 3-D shoot at the club range, 5656 Latigo Canyon Rd., 8 a.m. 841.0516 or 818.703.7844

TRANCAS RIDERS & ROPERS Awards banquet and installation dinner at the Malibu Inn, 22969 PCH, 5 p.m. $25. 456.1037

MON., JAN. 24

CITY COUNCIL MEETING Regular meeting at City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 6:30 p.m. 456.2489

TUES., JAN. 25

QUARTETTE OF TRIOS An ensemble of artists present trios by Beethoven, Maurice Durufle, Charles M. Loeffler and Francis Poulenc at St. Matthew’s Parish, 1031 Bienveneda in Pacific Palisades, 8 p.m. $20. 454.2177

CHRISTIAN BOOK DISCUSSION The topic is “The Heart of Christianity” by Marcus Borg at Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr., 7 p.m. 457.7505

WED., JAN. 26

MALIBU BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The topic is “Fugitive Pieces” by Anne Michaels at Point Dume Mobile Home Park, 25000 Heathercliff Dr., 1 p.m., 456.2489 ext. 260

CITY COUNCIL MEETING Quarterly review meeting at City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 6:30 p.m. 456.2489


REPUBLICAN WOMEN, FEDERATED Political consultant Steven Moore speaks on Iraqi elections at the Malibu Republican Women, Federated luncheon meeting at Guido’s Malibu, 3874 Cross Creek Rd., 11:30 a.m. 457-3530

SAT., JAN. 29

LIVING IN EXCELLENCE Tilak, a Sri Lankan mystic, gives a free talk and demonstration on “Sacred Secrets for Living in Excellence” at private residence, 20178 Rockport Way, 7 p.m. 702.260.4736

SUN., JAN. 30

GARY SINISE, LT. DAN BAND PERFORM Gary Sinise performs with his Lt. Dan Band benefitting Operation Iraqi Children at The Canyon Club in Agoura. 8 p.m. $25 suggested donation. 818.879.5016


TOWN HALL MEETING Linda Demmers, project manager for the Malibu Library Assessment Project, explains the process and answers questions at City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 10 a.m. 456.2489

WED., FEB. 2

MALIBU BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The topic is “Killer Angels” by Michael Schiaara at Point Dume Mobile Home Park, 25000 Heathercliff Dr., 1 p.m., 456.2489, ext. 260


THEATRE The Theatre Palisades Pierson Playhouse performs A.R. Gurney’s “The Dining Room,” at 941 Temescal Canyon Rd. in Pacific Palisades on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. through Feb. 6. 454.1970

STORYTIME Storytime at the Malibu Library, 23519 Civic Center Way, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for toddlers and 11:15 a.m. for preschoolers. 456.6438

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. at Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr. 456.8714

KNITTING CLUB Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 10 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

GAME NIGHT Bridge, mahjong, rummy, chess, Scrabble and more on Wednesdays at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 6 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

GUITAR PERFORMANCE Dave Lichten plays guitar every Friday at Mimosa Café, 395 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Topanga. 455.4341

OPEN GYM Open gym on Wednesdays for adult basketball at Malibu High School’s small gym, 30215 Morning View Dr., 5:30 p.m. 317.1364

WALKING CLUB The Malibu Senior Center sponsors an afternoon walking club every Tuesday, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 4 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

CHABAD SERVICES Services at Chabad of Malibu, 22933 PCH, every Friday at dusk and every Saturday at 10 a.m. 456.6588

KIWANIS CLUB Meets every Thursday except the second one of each month at Guido’s Malibu, 3874 Cross Creek Rd., 7 p.m. 589.9266

PT. DUME SHUTTLE SERVICE Drives from Westward Beach to the Point Dume Natural Preserve on weekends and holidays; leaves every half-hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 805.488.1827

MOMMY AND ME CLASSES At Malibu Gymnastics, 589.5538, at Gan Malibu Preschool, 454.0499

LIBRARY LIMO Weekly bookmobile at Point Dume Shopping Center on Heathercliff Road, Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 456.8572

MALIBU ORCHID SOCIETY Meets the third Tuesday of every month at the Pacific Palisades Women’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 7 p.m. 459.7086

ROTARY CLUB Meets every Wednesday at Pepperdine’s Fireside Room, 24255 PCH, 7:30 a.m. 456.3936

PRAYER & WORSHIP Prayer and healing service at Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr., Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Worship celebration Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 457.7505

NEED HELP? Dinner and Bible study for homeless or people in transition meets Thursdays at Webster Elementary Auditorium. S.O.S Community Outreach, 3602 Winter Canyon, at 7 p.m. 818.880.6372

COMPUTER LAB A chance for seniors to learn the basics about computers at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., Fridays at 10 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357