Letter: Alert Drops

Letter to the Editor

In response to “’Drowsy Driving is Dangerous Driving’ public safety event held” published on Aug. 24, 2017.

I want to thank The Malibu Times for covering the important “Drowsy Driving Public Safety Event” last Saturday on Pacific Coast Highway in front of Fire Station 70. The Los Angeles Fire and Sheriff’s departments were wonderful for bringing attention to the dangers of drowsy driving and the importance of Alert Drops to save lives. I want to clarify the facts pertaining to Alert Drops that were not clear in the article. Alert Drops work because of the sensory, reflex reaction of adrenaline when citric acid combined with sour lemon hits the lingual nerve on the top of your tongue, creating instant alertness. It’s natural and scientifically proven. Numerous lives have been saved. Dr. Henry Heimlich inspired Alert Drops because of his knowledge of how the body helps itself naturally. Before he passed away Dec. 17, he communicated to me that Alert Drops would save more lives than the “Heimlich Maneuver.” Again, thank you Malibu Times for caring and helping save innocent lives.

Anson Williams