In the Wake of the Fire: How to Stay Mentally Healthy


Mental health after a major catastrophe such as the Woolsey Fire was a topic of concern at a community recovery resource meeting at Duke’s Restaurant Sunday. Ronda Hampton, PhD, came to speak to the community about ways to process the loss.

The back-to-back tragedies of the Borderline shooting and the fire have “been a lot,” Hampton said. When people are scrambling to survive without their home and belongings, anxiety and depression can develop and many times sneak up without realization. Hampton emphasized, “Depression and anxiety are real.” The psychologist encouraged anyone suffering to avail themselves of services, including calling 211, where social workers can assist with referrals for mental health needs or to apply for disability benefits if poor mental health is affecting your ability to work. 

Anxiety causes sleep, appetite, mood and concentration issues that can affect daily life and add difficulties. With tensions high, tempers can run high as well. Sleep deprivation can lead to anger and hostility. Those who have lost their incomes due to the fire may be worried about paying rent. 

“There’s a misperception that everybody in Malibu has money and not everybody does, so therefore there are organizations that don’t think about reaching out and giving to this community,” Hampton said.

Signs of depression are: sleep impairment, loss of appetite, poor concentration, suicidal ideation, feelings of guilt, lack of interest in pleasurable activity and poor energy. Signs of anxiety can include: increased heart rate, sweaty palms, nervousness and even panic attacks or post traumatic stress disorder. 

Hampton encouraged those affected to talk to others about their experiences and seek professional help if necessary. 

“There are people today still in a state of shock. They may look perfectly fine, but then there’ll be one trigger that brings it all home and reminds them of what happened. Pay attention to yourself and those around you,” she concluded.