Pipeline poses danger


The following letter was sent to Cy Oggins, California State Lands Commission, Sacramento.

I am writing to you today in opposition to the proposed LNG Facility and Pipeline for the following very important reasons. This offshore LNG facility would destroy the views, and do irreparable harm to the gorgeous California Coastline. It would pollute the views, the waters, harm the sea life, and reduce property values on the land. Most importantly, it would make us a target for terrorists.

It was only last week that the off shore oil complex in Iraq was attacked by terrorists. This facility was guarded by the armed forces of the Coalition, as well as by the Iraqi police forces. We know they are here on our shores, here at home as was evidenced by 911, and could easily do the same to a facility here at home. An attack on a facility so close to our shores would kill thousands of people and do irreparable harm to the ocean and the creatures that live there. To think that this is not a likelihood is total arrogance on our part.

These aforementioned catastrophes are just the most obvious reasons to oppose this facility. The fact that these are foreign investors makes this operation even more unthinkable and questionable. I implore you to do all you can to make sure that this proposed facility never stands. Please oppose this facility with all the power of your office.

Kathryn Yarnell

President, Malibu Association of Realtors, 2002