With great reluctance I have been forced to emerge from my “cocoon,” this being my first and I hope my last letter to the editor. I urgently call for a closure to the vituperation, invective and name-calling in the political arena. Of paramount importance is dealing with the issues. Personality conflicts of this nature have no place in this lovely city of Malibu. They only serve to cloud the issues and cause unnecessary rifts in our legislative body.
Think about it — wouldn’t it be ghastly to live in a society where everyone agrees on everything? Thankfully, we are not clones and do come from a diversity of backgrounds with varying opinions. I, personally, would not wish it any other way. We are fortunate to live in a society where these opinions can be intensely debated, but personal attacks serve no useful purpose.
Isn’t it possible for our city to indulge in healthy arguments and debates? Isn’t it possible for reason and good humor to take over?
We have a duly elected City Council, some of whom I supported and others whom I did not. However, that is irrelevant in that I respect all five members and only hope they work in concert to solve our myriad problems. As a homeowner in Malibu, I feel it is my function to facilitate their job in any way I can, not to cause breaches within the council. Is this self-serving? Of course it is. The more unified the council is, the more rational the thinking in devising better, more creative solutions. Identifying the problems is easy. Solving them is much more difficult. Let us begin to help them by offering our ideas, thoughts and suggestions in a more acceptable manner than personal affront and attacks.
Thank you for listening and, please, let the vitriol cease with no one having the last word.
Fay Singer