Malibu Stage ‘hostile takeover’ fantasy


    My family and friends find it quite amusing that Charles Marowitz, artistic director of the Malibu Stage Company, would suggest that I attempted to organize a ‘hostile takeover’ of Malibu Stage. His fantasy, although quite theatrical, is utter nonsense! I did suggest three of my friends to Marowitz as possible consideration for the Board of Directors. These were talented, creative, successful individuals who Marowitz personally interviewed and seemed quite pleased to place on the board. At that time, I believed Malibu Stage to be a worthwhile, positive community project. Marowitz soon alienated these individuals with his abusive behavior. I was quite embarrassed to have placed my friends in such a distasteful position and have since apologized profusely for suggesting they become involved with Malibu Stage.

    Finally, as a reminder to Marowitz of the work and financial contribution I made to the Theatre, I quote from Charles Marowitz’s letter of April, 1999 to me and my husband:

    “Dear Dale and Alanna: We are proud, thrilled and relieved to announce that the Malibu Stage Theatre is now complete and we couldn’t have done it without you! Your generous financial donation and your love of the performing arts have made Malibu’s first professional Theatre a reality.”

    Alanna Tarkington