Planning commission stands largely unchanged with new appointments
By Sigourney B. Nunez / Special to The Malibu Times
The new Malibu City Council started off its reign Monday night by making appointments to various city commissions. It was the council’s first regular meeting since two new councilmembers, Joan House and Skylar Peak, were elected last month.
There are now two new faces on the planning commission, considered the most influential city commission outside of the City Council. Mayor Laura Rosenthal appointed Mikke Pierson, a former public works commissioner. Councilmember Joan House appointed architect David Brotman, and said at the meeting that it was the first time an architect has served on the planning commission.
But the core of the planning commission stays unchanged. John Mazza and Jeff Jennings had their appointments renewed by Councilmembers Skylar Peak and John Sibert, respectively. Roohi Stack was reappointed by Mayor Pro Tem Lou La Monte.
In other news, a new ad hoc committee on the Malibu Lagoon was created. It was decided that Peak, a noted opponent of the State Parks restoration project, will serve on it with Sibert, who has taken more criticism on the subject than any other councilmember from opponents to the lagoon project. Peak will also join Sibert on the influential Zoning Ordinance Revisions and Enforcement Subcommittee, commonly known as ZORACES. Peak replaces former councilmember Jefferson Wagner on that subcommittee.
Rosenthal, Sibert and La Monte largely kept their appointments to other city commissions the same. Peak and House made new appointments to the Parks and Recreation and Public Safety Commissions, among others.
Selection process for cultural arts commission tweaked
As members of the Arts ad hoc committee, Rosenthal and La Monte said they want to make sure that appointments to the future cultural arts commission is not politicized and opted to create a different selection process to pick its members.
In addition to the typical application and direct appointment, the new process will implement an interview. Council members will still be required to nominate a candidate and are encouraged to pick a prospective commission member from the pool of applicants, but will not be mandated to do so and can still nominate someone outside the group. The council made recommendations to make a change in wording to the requirement to state that the ex officio needs to be “within the unincorporated areas with in the 90265 area code.”