Five Weeks in Italy


    We went to Turin and saw the shroud

    At the festa in Gubbio

    Got crushed by the crowd

    We found the Pope to be witty and charming

    Italian drivers were very alarming!

    In Florence we met cousins from Avellino

    Nino, Pino and Modestino

    They said life goes sideways both “up ana down”

    We knew what they meant when they drove us around

    With Pacino’s words we made a big hit

    When we taught them to say “Fogedabowdit.”

    It poured on Lake Como so we watched the Black Stallion

    Didn’t know that Liz Taylor could speak in Italian

    Assi, Padua and Rimini were great

    I overdosed on the pasta I ate

    Now I dream of Tuscany, the forests and fiori

    And the castle we stayed in at Lago Maggiori

    The Aosta valley and Mont Blanc were swello,

    The pizza delizioso and Italy tutto bello!

    Geraldine Forer Spagnoli