Environmental Report Issued for Malibu Golf Club Revamp

Malibu Golf Club

LA County released a draft environmental impact report (DEIR) last week analyzing plans to redesign and redevelop 200 acres of the Malibu Golf Club in western unincorporated Malibu.

The new complex, officially dubbed The Malibu Institute, would play host to educational conferences and sporting events, along with golfers wishing to tee off on a redesigned 18-hole golf course.

Owner and developer Tom Hix has partnered with the University of Southern California to redevelop the course into a massive sports complex and conference center while conserving 450 acres of natural greenery as permanent open space.

The full environmental report is available at planning.lacounty.gov/case/view/tr071735-3/. The public is asked to comment on the report through Feb. 7, 2014. The county has scheduled a public scoping meeting for Jan. 16 at 5 p.m. at the Malibu Golf Club.