Small price to pay


    My children rely on me to make good decisions for them. They rely on me to be informed, conscientious and responsible. I, in turn, rely on the members of my community to make good decisions for my children. I rely on the restaurateur to serve fresh food, the storekeeper to give correct change, the driver to be sober, the mechanic to fix my brakes, the teacher to try her hardest.

    Once again, my kids are relying on the adults in Malibu to do the right thing. They need you to vote YES on Measure EE on the November ballot. Measure EE will bring an additional $9.7 million to our Santa Monica/Malibu school system. Sacramento has cut the school budget by many millions of dollars. We must make up for it and my kids are relying on their community to help. Measure EE will help maintain the wonderful programs we have right now (class size reduction, AP classes, athletics, librarians, etc.) and enable us to implement a new, district wide Educational Strategic Plan. It will cost the average Malibuite around $25 a month to fund this measure. What a small amount to pay for quality education!

    My kids are relying on you to become informed about Measure EE (endorsed by our Chamber of Commerce, the teacher’s union, all district PTAs and both city councils). We must rely on our local citizens to provide what the state cannot. It’s important that you know that there is a detailed plan of how Measure EE money will be used and a financial oversight committee will be in place to monitor its use.

    As my parents did for me and continue to do for their neighbor’s children and grandchildren, do the right thing. Make our school system the best in the state, heck, in the country. Vote yes for kids, vote yes for Excellence in Education, vote yes on Measure EE.

    Laura Zahn Rosenthal, president

    Pt. Dume Marine Science School PTA