We Can Make Water Flow Up!


    I had a chat with a friend whom I met

    Who had just returned from a trip to Tibet

    In a world beset with hunger and strife

    He set out in search for the meaning of life

    It was a perilous journey

    Filled with hazards and trauma

    ‘Til he finally found

    The much acclaimed Lama.

    My friend asked the question,

    He could no longer wait.

    The old man seemed to hesitate.

    “As simplistic,” said the monk, “as it may seem,

    Life is like a mountain stream

    It starts at the top, then I’m sorry to say,

    That it’s downhill all the rest of the way.”

    My friend returned home depressed and dejected

    The answer was far from what he had expected

    Saddened to see my friend in a slump

    I said “life’s more like a fountain

    With a recycling pump.”

    My assessment renewed him,

    (I don’t want to seem flip.)

    But if he had come to me first,

    I could have saved him the trip!

    Geraldine Forer Spagnoli