New Concerns Over PCH Woes

Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs

For several days last week, the traffic backed up to the Malibu Pier as a result of a malfunctioning light near Sunset Boulevard. Longtime resident and commuter Barry Glaser said it took him nearly an hour to get from La Costa to Moonshadows. 

To the dismay of commuters, the delay occurred multiple times over the span of several days, causing commuter headaches until the LAPD sent in traffic teams. On top of that, The Malibu Times received several calls from motorists reporting a horrific crash on PCH involving a wrong way driver on Oct. 25. According to those at the scene, the motorist careened into several vehicles and damaged homes in the area. According to Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff Station Sergeant James Braden, “an arrest was made in that case for the driver for driving under the influence.” Braden was unable to provide further details. 

Longtime Public Safety Commissioner Carol Randall, who lost her son-in-law to a reckless driver on PCH, said one of the problems is that PCH acts as a residential, commuter and recreational highway. “PCH will always operate as a [grade] F highway and a lot has to do with people taking the canyons to and from the valley,” Randall said.

Randall said she would love to educate motorists on how to drive the PCH safely. She hopes for better safety enforcement, but she honestly doesn’t “know what the answer is.”