The Malibu Times to Host City Leadership Workshop

City Leadership Workshop

If you are running or contemplating running for Malibu City Council, will be working on a candidate’s campaign, are considering serving on a city commission or simply want to be an informed voter, you will want to attend Malibu 101: A Leadership Workshop sponsored by The Malibu Times on Aug. 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

The event will provide answers to many questions you may have, such as: What does the California Coastal Commission actually have jurisdiction over? What are the day-to-day duties of city council members? What’s happening with Measure R? What does ZORACES stand for?

“Our purpose is to provide candidates, campaign staff, future city commissioners and citizens the information they need to appreciate and understand how the city operates and the complex issues being debated and decided in the halls of government,” The Malibu Times Publisher Arnold G. York said. “Individuals running for city council often don’t have all of the background information they need. While it’s not something you can learn overnight or even in one workshop, it is our goal to provide lots of important information in an efficient and engaging format.” 

In the morning, the workshop will provide an overview of the nuts and bolts of city government, provided by city staff — how the many local, regional, state and federal organizations influence the city. Some sample content for the workshop includes: What goes into the city budget, what the planning commission does and how it operates, and the daily operations of the Parks and Recreation Department.

The afternoon session will focus on presenting some of the key issues in Malibu, including the creation of our own school system, traffic and transportation issues, commercial development, and waste and water management. These sessions will be moderated by Arnold York, who will ensure that the panel focuses on information and education, not opinion or partisanship. 

“The problems and challenges facing the City of Malibu aren’t ones you can solve with a screwdriver and a wrench,” York said.

The lunch speaker will be a well-known political campaign consultant who will address the specifics to campaigning in a small community — including strategies, tactics and legal considerations.

Admission to the event is free, but space is limited. Please email with the subject “workshop” to make a reservation.

The Malibu Times is seeking sponsorship partners to offset production costs. Interested organizations are invited to contact for more information.