Letter: Need water at Trancas now

Letter to the Editor

In 1979, my wife and I bought a lot in Malibu and built our home in 1982. At that time, there were only a few homes and a few trailers in the area. No water and no sewer system. Thirty-four years later, we have 50-plus homes and still no water.

We have seen many fires over the years, with one coming right up to the property line. You get a real empty feeling watching the fire get closer, smoke and embers everywhere, and very little you can do about it.

We need water in Trancas Highlands in the worst way. Will it be expensive, sure it will, but what is your house and family worth?

I read where somebody said we were “moving too fast” on the water project. We started trying to get water here in the early ‘90s, that is 20 years ago, we’re close now and we need the water not tomorrow, but yesterday.

Some people are against the project, and that is to be expected, but the interest of the majority can’t and shouldn’t be influenced by a few vocal dissenters.

Let’s work together as friends and neighbors and get this water and undergrounding of the powerlines project done now. We will all enjoy an increase in our property value, and far more important, a safer future.

My thanks to Eric Meyer and the rest of the HOA for their tireless efforts to bring water toTrancas Highlands.

Terry and Semo Waldo