Letter: Quick Action

Letter to the Editor

Early Monday morning, with the seemingly endless Santa Ana winds howling again, my Pulse Point app alert went off and indicated there were responders heading to the Civic Center. From my vantage point, way out on Point Dume, I could see the glow. We all know what that could mean on such a windy night. Our dog, Smokey, was at Malibu Coast Animal Hospital, in the Civic Center, so my husband and I hopped in the car to go get him.

As we got closer, we saw part of the hillside above the Civic Center, the Knolls, ablaze and the smoke was blowing toward the beach. When we arrived at Malibu Animal Hospital, who was sitting out in front, ready to implement his evacuation plan at a moment’s notice … none other than Dr. Dean Graulich. Dean and his nighttime technician Julio were on it! Julio had even spotted the fire and called Dean immediately. 

To watch the helicopters battle that fire in those howling winds was astounding. Knowing that our local firefighters were up in the hills,saving the homes and evacuating the neighborhood, made me feel like we are surrounded by such professional responders. They were on that fire so fast and amazingly, put it out despite the ferocious winds.

But remember, the sweet heroes of the night were standing guard to keep all the clients of Malibu Animal Hospital safe and secure. I just think people in this city need to know how wonderful Dean Graulich, Julio and the entire staff (who were on standby to evacuate if need be) acted on that potentially catastrophic, windy night. 


Laureen, Greg and Smokey Sills

Laureen Sills