Cabrillo counts


    I am sure that it was unintentional, but the captions accompanying your photos comparing the first day of school at Webster and Juan Cabrillo made it seem as though the students at Juan Cabrillo were not as happy to be back at school as the kids at Webster. As the parent of a second grade student at Cabrillo, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

    My son was eager and enthusiastic to return to school. Judging by the reactions of the other students at the back to school picnic on the Tuesday before school began, he was not alone. Many families attended this fun event and the kids were happy to be back at their school, eager to find out who their new teachers were and more than ready to begin another school year.

    As an employee at Malibu High School, I had a choice of schools my son could attend. We live outside of the SM-MUSD district, and could have chosen to have our son attend our local elementary school. In addition, I had the option of applying for him to attend Webster, Juan Cabrillo or Point Dume. After careful thought, we chose Juan Cabrillo. By the end of his first month of Kindergarten, we knew we had made the right decision. He has excelled academically, reading well above grade level, and equally important, he has grown and matured in his social skills as well. He loves going to school and looks forward to each day. At Cabrillo he feels safe, nurtured and welcomed.

    Juan Cabrillo is a beautiful school, with an outstanding principal, excellent teachers, a hard working, dedicated PTA and bright, enthusiastic students. Malibu is lucky to have three wonderful elementary schools, and Cabrillo is second to none. Juan Cabrillo is a school that Malibu can, and should, be proud of.

    Lisa Szilagyi

    proud parent of a Juan Cabrillo Student

    Editor’s note: The Malibu Times appreciates and supports each and every Malibu school. Any indication otherwise was absolutely unintentional.