Development: 29.9 acres at a time


    One of the arguments we hear about Measure P, the Malibu Citizens’ Right to Vote on Development Initiative, is that it will mean excessive litigation for the city. Besides the fact that the law is on our side in this issue, it seems rather duplicitous for the City Council, who are howling this argument to the tops of their lungs, to now be considering wasting city money to sue the state because the city has not had its act together enough to put together a Local Coastal Plan (LCP.)

    Contrary to Councilmember Jeff Jennings’ ill-informed statements, an LCP will not mean more bureaucracy for Malibu citizens, but less. Malibu citizens who want to expand a deck or add on a garage will no longer have to spend time in Ventura with Coastal Commission staff or travel to Eureka or Oceanside to get their approvals if an LCP is completed. More local control will occur, not less — if the City Council will simply move forward with the LCP and get it approved. The reason for the Burton-sponsored legislation is that the state was tired of hearing empty promises from the City of Malibu.

    As for Measure P’s legality, the Malibu Bay Company has spent $30,000 + (an unusual amount for a small town election) on television ads saying, “Don’t let the courts decide.” That must mean the Malibu Bay Company is $30,000 certain the courts would decide against them in a dispute over P, and P would prevail, limiting their development options.

    I hope voters will not be deceived by these slick promotions nor by the dirty-trick political mailers designed to attempt to fool Malibuites into thinking groups like Sierra Club, the Malibu Watershed Council and Malibu Lagoon Task Force are against Measure P. As an active member of the Malibu Lagoon Task Force, I am offended by Malibu Bay Company consultant and cheerleader Barbara Cameron participating in a scam that improperly uses her position in that group to give such a false impression to Malibu voters. I’m told the return address for this mailer is that of the Malibu Bay Company — although there is no identification of MBC.

    As for Sierra Club, the national 650,000 member organization, having dealt with complex land-use issue for more than 100 years, has put its seal of approval on Measure P (vote “yes!”), and encourages a “No” vote on Measure N. As our Chapter Chair, Dr. Gordon LaBedz, has said, “Measure N will develop Malibu 29.9 acres at a time.”

    Marcia Hanscom

    Vice Chair, Conservation Committee