This is KBUU News – Day 191 … the Tuesday Headlines:


    It’s 59º and gorgeous this morning …. but there’s an official KBUU Blowing Lawn Furniture Alert for this afternoon.

    This is KBUU News – Day 191 … the Tuesday Headlines:

    = Nobu restaurant gets another reprieve … the hearing to possibly yank its permit will be in August.

    = But PCH drivers will have yet one more summer of valet violations and traffic jams at the restaurant.

    = Bobcats are increasingly being smacked by cars in the Santa Monica Mountains.

    = Safe to say that Malibu is still mad about sheriff’s roadblocks during the fire … and the sheriff will be here tomorrow to hear your opinions.

    = and there is going to be a big crackdown on traffic violators this summer.


    Malibu’s Only Local Daily News is in 8 minutes … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.