The Malibu Bar Association, made up of the lawyers who office in Malibu, or live here, or occasionally practice here, met recently at its annual meeting, held at Taverna Tony’s Restaurant to install new officers and 1999 board of directors and to give its annual awards. Hon. Robert Altman was given the Superior Court Judge of the Year Award in a presentation by retired California Supreme Court Justice Armand Arabian. Hon. Lawrence Mira, supervising judge of the Malibu Municipal Court, was given the Friend of the Court Award in recognition of his contribution to the justice system. The award was presented by Capt. William McSweeney, the commander of the Lost Hills station. Attorney Daniel Cathcart received the Trial Lawyer of the Year Award and Sherry Wall of Malibu Superior Court received the Court Clerk of the Year Award.
The new officers include: Dale Motley, president; C Kelly Kilgore, outgoing president; Kathy Greco, vice president; Jeannette Torrel Maginnis, outgoing vice president; and Ron Stackler, secretary-treasurer. The Executive Board of Directors includes: Jeannette Torrel Maginnis, David Ogden, Todd Sloan, Arnold York, J. Patrick Maginnis, C Kelly Kilgore and Daniel Martin. Other directors include: Dale Schafer, Robin Senter and Carolyn Wallace.