Caltrans Project To Cause Overnight Closure on PCH Next Week

The closure will take place between Puerco Canyon and Corral Canyon roads.

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) announced this Thursday plans to close off a one-mile segment along State Route 1/Pacific Coast Highway in order to replace the median in the road.

The closures will be between the hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., and they will be put into place from Monday, August 20, to Friday, August 24.

Both the westbound and eastbound lanes of PCH between Puerco Canyon Road and Corral Canyon Road will be closed at some point, and at least one lane in each direction will be open at all times.

The purpose of the closure is to reconstruct the existing raised median island between Puerco Canyon Road and Corral Canyon Road to meet current standards. In addition, the reconstruction seeks to improve traffic safety along PCH by reducing the amount of improper turns committed.

The construction is anticipated to be finished this winter or early 2019.