Regarding the recent article and letters on “What will make PCH safer?” there is unanimity that PCH is a busy and risky highway. When it comes to solutions, however, there are as many ideas as there are authors.
The consensus goal for travel on PCH is to maximize efficiency while minimizing dangers. But there is no “free lunch,” and therefore efforts to solve one problem will certainly create another.
One letter (“Drivers in jeopardy”) cites two recent examples of near fatal accidents due to drivers running red lights. Traffic signals are a prime example of an attempt to solve problems that creates others.
While deciding to put a traffic signal at the intersection of two busy thoroughfares such as PCH and Sunset is a no brainer, others such as those at Big Rock, Las Flores, Carbon Canyon, John Tyler, Paradise Cove, Zumeriz Canyon, etc. are questionable, in that while serving a small number of cross-street vehicles, they reduce the efficiency of all travel on PCH and create new rear-end and broadside accidents.
With good intentions, but no appreciation of the problems that it will cause, the City of Malibu will install another new signal at the intersection of PCH and Corral Canyon Road. Rather than adding yet another ill-advised urban Band-Aid to our semi-rural environment, I recommend that the city find the expertise necessary to intelligently address the issues of safety versus efficiency on PCH.
If you agree, please then sign the petition in opposition to the traffic signal at: and/or write to the city’s new Public Works Director Robert Brager at (Read more on the project at:
Scott Palamar