A New Year, a new teamr
This is a New Year and The Malibu Times is undergoing a number of changes. Our longtime Editor and Associate Publisher Laura Tate has left after 10-plus years of outstanding service with our thanks and best wishes. Fortunately, there is a new generation eager to step in. For now I will remain the Editor-in-Chief but the day-to-day operation of The Malibu Times newspaper will be in the hands of our new Associate Editor Knowles Adkisson. Knowles has been with the newspaper since 2010, first as a stringer and then as a full-time staffer covering the council, government and much of the community news. He is a 2007 graduate of Vanderbilt University, where he majored in English and contributed to the student newspaper. He then did a literary magazine internship in his hometown of Conway, Arkansas before moving west. Knowles brings to the job a southern sensibility and probably better manners then most of us are used to.
Ably assisting Knowles as the new Assistant Editor is Carly Erickson, who came to us from just over the hill in Westlake Village, where she was born and raised. Carly graduated from the University of Oregon in 2010, where she majored in English and wrote for an award-winning student-run journal of opinion. She is also a graduate student at CSU-Northridge working toward a master’s degree in English literature.
I can always be reached at 310.456.5507 Ext 101 or email (which is usually the best) at agyork@malibutimes.com.
For breaking news items, contact Knowles at 310.456.5507, ext. 109 or knowles@malibutimes.com.
For people, sports, obituary or calendar information, call Carly at 310.456.5507, ext. 105 or email her at editorial@malibutimes.com. She can also be contacted for breaking news items.
Letters may be sent to malibunews@malibutimes.com and are limited to 350 words in length and may be edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling and length.
If you would like to submit to our Public Forum section (really an Op-Ed section), the word maximum is 750 words, and the topic must address issues that affect the community of Malibu, unless you’re addressing something I wrote in one of my columns.
All submissions must be submitted with first and last names and a verification address and phone number. The last two items will not be published and are for verification purposes only.
I’d like to thank you for the people you nominated for The Malibu Times Annual Dolphin Awards, now in its 21st year-I think. This year we were overwhelmed with nominations, many more than we’ve had in the past, which is a wonderful sign of the enormous participation by citizens of Malibu in their community. Not only are we getting more nominations, but presentation documentation is getting more sophisticated. We’re beginning to see photos and testimonials and various kinds of graphics, and I know that many of you have spent considerable time preparing the nomination papers.
Thanks again for your participation and your hard work. Â