Left is not right


    Pam Linn’s column entitled “Happy Birthday, America,” contained the same left-wing dogma those of us living in the Heartland of America would expect in a California newspaper.

    Ms. Linn expresses the straight-Democrat line on issues such as the so-called patients bill of rights, praising the destructive trial lawyers, opposing exploration for new oil and gas resources and advocating further economic losses for U. S. automobile manufacturers through unrealistic fuel economy standards.

    It is frightening how socialistic California state government is becoming. Governor Davis is blaming electric energy shortfalls on outside energy suppliers when the California state Legislature and the governor himself are to blame for not allowing sufficient power generation plants to be built. The power structure in Sacramento is more likely to listen to environmental extremists.

    It is certainly too bad that California is gaining additional Congressional representation as the result of a census that counts every human body rather than just legal citizens.

    Paul W. Matthews

    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma