Restaurants show their stripes


Shout out to the restaurants in Malibu open on Monday, May 1. Oddly most of the restaurants open are owned or operated by immigrants: Taverna Tony’s, Lily’s Cafe, Howdy’s, Malibu Mutt. They know who supports their businesses and who will continue to support their businesses. As for Marmalade, Guido’s, Spruzzo’s and Coogie’s, the common theme for their closing was they had no one to work, which makes me wonder. Why did Lily’s and Taverna Tony’s have legal immigrant employees working?

The phrases uttered by the owners of the closed establishments reeked of what I thought we abolished 150 years ago: who’s gonna pick the tomatoes, who’s gonna wash the dishes?

One patron expressed his solidarity with the closure. “I’m glad they’re closed today. I support the protests. We need them to pick our vegetables.” My great grandfather felt the same way. “We need slaves to pick our cotton. White people won’t do it.” I hope the protesters realize they are being supported by those Americans who believe they are not humans but cheap, vegetable picking, dishwashing machines.

These owners aren’t pro anything but pro-slavery and the fact that these businesses laid off their non-protesting employees that were to work Monday shows they are not even pro-American, much less pro-Malibu!

The owner at Coogie’s sat inside his restaurant and when confronted about his closure replied, “You think I want to be closed? Who’s gonna wait tables?” After checking to see if his legs were broken, I flash back to many times I’ve seen Tony (Taverna Tony) not only wait tables, but bus tables, take orders and cook the food. I’m more pro-legal immigrant than ever. Why? This is a capitalist country and the spoiled American business owners that don’t know what to do to run their own businesses without slave labor is elitist, racist and frankly will be put out of business by the legal immigrants who know how to perform all the jobs required in their establishments and do so without shame in order to maintain their allegiance to the customers that keep them in business, not to any employees hell bent on shutting them down!

This was proven on a small scale Monday. Please boycott the restaurants that boycotted you on Monday and demonstrate your respect for those establishments that were there to serve you and your families without any racist “cotton-picking” excuses or complaints.

Jannette J.D. Frazier