Letter: Cutting Healthcare Costs

Letter to the Editor

The 2015 Long-Term Budget Outlook, released in June 2016, says that the U.S. debt has increased, primarily through larger federal spending. The report said that medical costs associated with the aging population will continue to rise, with the resultant debt potentially crippling our economic growth.

What if everyone had a new kind of fun challenge in life? What if everyone were given the option to educate themselves concerning their real and potential health issues along with easy-to-implement ways to prevent serious, chronic deseases and reduce or eliminate existing ones?

The government has provided medical information services such as PubMed. There are also organizations like the Cleveland Clinic that provide various kinds of free medical information services. However, no existing organization provides a free service designed to provide accurate self-diagnoses and self-treatment for a wide range of health issues, especially those associated with advancing age. This service can be created and made available to the public, with at least medical assistant “guides” to walk a person through the process. This program could be implemented in one state, refined, then implemented by several more states until every state has the program. The payoff would be reducing pain, suffering, premature deaths and costs among the aging population.

David A. Steenblock