Hit and Run Culprit Sentenced

Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs

It has been a year and a half since a hit-and-run driver struck and killed a pedestrian on the shoulder of PCH, and news broke this week that the driver, who was later apprehended at Kanan Road near Ventura Freeway, has been sentenced.

Pablo Oswaldo Carranza, the man who struck and killed a woman when she was celebrating her 21st birthday in Malibu on March 10, 2015, has been sentenced to one year in county jail and five years felony probation.

Carranza was charged with one count of hit and run resulting in death and one count of misdemeanor manslaughter. The maximum sentencing possible for these counts combined would have been four years in a county jail. 

Carranza was required to pay restitution, which includes paying any medical or funeral expenses that the victim incurred as a result of the crime. 

Carranza is set to surrender and begin serving his sentence on Oct. 24.Â