Calls attack



As a committed environmental and homeowner activist in Calabasas for many years, I was appalled to read the misleading and scurrilous letter that former Calabasas councilmember Michael Harrison sent to The Malibu Times defaming Barry Groveman.

I know both Michael Harrison and Barry Groveman well, as I have worked with all the Calabasas city council members for years on issues of community concern.

The charges Harrison makes against Groveman simply aren’t true. As mayor, Barry Groveman made our city government more responsive, transparent and efficient. He is highly regarded by community, environmental and homeowner leaders. His assembly candidacy is endorsed by all his city council colleagues and by former mayors.

Why, then, is Harrison saying nasty things about Barry Groveman?

Michael Harrison served one controversial term on the Calabasas City Council. While in office, he developed a regrettable habit of publicly berating and humiliating city employees, engaging in pointless vendettas against his council colleagues, and insulting citizens who would appear before the council. When Harrison ran for re-election, he was overwhelmingly rejected by the voters and turned out of office. Since none of his council colleagues could bring themselves to endorse his bid for re-election, he bears a grudge. Groveman is the current recipient of Harrison’s animus since he is the only one of Harrison’s former council colleagues now running for office.

Michael Harrison chose not to submit his letter to newspapers in the Calabasas area because it would have drawn a strong negative reaction from the citizens who overwhelmingly voted him out of office. Apparently, he hopes those not familiar with his history in Calabasas will be influenced by his former title. I would urge all voters to look closely at the motives of those who throw mud and engage in personal smear attacks in this campaign. I am writing this letter to offer Malibu residents a context in which to judge Mr. Harrison’s words.

Marci Ronka