Double standards


    This letter was addressed to Sandra S. Goard, Supervisor of Elections, Sanford, FL.

    Dear Ms. Goard:

    Please don’t become disheartened by the attacks against your office. From what I read in the Los Angeles Times, you were simply allowing a printer’s error to be corrected in order not to disenfranchise people. Since these ballots were still sealed, no one could know for whom the voter cast his vote. In no way should anyone be disenfranchised because of an error not of his making.

    Vice President Gore keeps harping on the “every vote must count” theme, but his actions belie his words. It’s not even “every vote for me must count,” but “every vote not totally de-chadded for Gov. Bush must count for me.” I’m sure many Democrats found they could not vote for Gore, but wanted to vote for the rest of the ticket. The election officials in Broward county did not take this into consideration and instead counted each ballot, where no president was chosen, for Gore. In short, Judge Lee voted hundreds of times.

    I hope that all honest people will have the courage and determination not to allow the double standards being employed by the Gore team to steal this election.

    Agnes Peterson