A crying shame


Did you find the gate locked at the west access way on Broad Beach Road this past weekend, secured with a heavy chain and giant padlock? Oh no, what are those meanies up to now?

Listen up, folks. The cause of that lockout is the California Coastal Commission and its cheerleaders, the beach access zealots. And now you can add the County of Los Angeles. With the onset of the winter storm season, the erosion on this beach is already enormous. Other beaches in California are being protected with massive sand berms pushed up by huge Caterpillar tractors. Not our beach. Thanks to the efforts of these folks and Peter Douglas of the Coastal Commission, the cease and desist decree prevents any attempt to repair the beach, which we have always done on our own without the help of any public agency.

The county, which has the responsibility for the access way, apparently has neither the funds nor the manpower to repair the damage from the 1998 El Niño storms, leaving pieces of concrete and rusty iron rebar from their fallen wall to be uncovered during erosion. Ergo, lock the gates to minimize the county’s liability.

The access crowd has been loud in its denunciation of the homeowners’ attempt to repair last year’s damage and pleased with themselves for stopping further efforts to protect the beach for all of us. Now look at the result. I’d be laughing at them, except I’m crying as I look at the destruction already taking place on your beach and mine.

Marshall Lumsden