KBUU Newswire Wed 9: Scary Midday At Pt Dume – RV Chase Started In Malibu – Library Branch in Western Malibu?

  •  Scary moments .. a lockdown on Point Dume yesterday.
  • The town meeting on Malibu’s library is tonight.
  • That TV chase in a RV? Started in Malibu
  • And one of the 100 best brunches in America is in Malibu.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  internet  ))) edition of the (((  Wednesday ))) news … from Radio Malibu  ….

F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.

Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Some scary moments yesterday at midday on Point Dume.

Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/chopper-urges-pt-dume/


Tonight at 7 … It’s been 13 years since Malibu publicly examined the role of its library … a branch of the county library system that is funded largely by the city.

That study resulted in a 6 million dollar renovation … finished five years ago.

And now … the city is again examining the role of its library in the civic fabric of life here.

The lack of a branch library in the population center of Malibu … eight miles away at Point Dume … is frequently mentioned as one shortcoming.

Under tax formulas … Malibu contributes 3 point 6 million dollars in property taxes for library services … and the library cost 1 point 6 million dollars to run.

There is a surplus that has been building up over the years.

And there is talk about building a joint library … with the Malibu High School reconstruction effort.

Or maybe a branch library at the city’s newly-acquired land at Point Dume.

That question is up for discussion at another Malibu town hall meeting … tomorrow night at 7 … at City Hall.


The U-S House of Representatives has rejected a local congresswoman’s attempt to deal with jet noise in the Santa Monica Mountains region.

Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/congress-dumps-malibu/


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))


You may have seen TV pictures of that bizarre high speed chase of a recreational vehicle that wound through Los Angeles … went over the grapevine … and ended in an orchard near Bakersfield.

Turns out it started here in Malibu.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office now says that the suspect … 46 year old Stephen Merle Houk … with his wife and two children in an RV parked in Malibu.

He is accused of pointing a loaded firearm and threatening to kill her.

Houk drove off with his wife and two small kids in the R-V … stopped at a gas station in Culver City … his wife asked for help from a passerby who called for assistance.

Houk ditched the RV in Kern County … hopped a train to Barstow … and was arrested there.

Houk is a parolee at large … also wanted for sex crimes in Oregon.

Any witnesses in Malibu are asked by local deputies to let them know.


All new houses built in the state of California will be required to have solar panels … if the state energy commission adopts new rules today … as expected.

Local ordinances or deed restrictions that prohibit solar panels would be overturned.

It’s not clear how local regulations … like the 28 foot height limit in Malibu … would be affected … however.

The California Building Industry Association says it may add as much as ten thousand dollars to the cost of a new home.

But put that on the mortgage … and the cost is 40 dollar per month.

The state energy commission says that would be offset by an 80 dollar per month savings in electric costs.

Buyers would save in the long run by using the essentially free energy to power lights and appliances or by selling unused power back to the grid.


There’s new life into the water tunnel project in northern Californoa …. for the system that brings Malibu its water.

A water agency in San Jose agreed yesterday to pump 650 million dollars into Gov. Jerry Brown’s Delta tunnels project.

That provides a huge boost to the controversial $16.7 billion plan.

Just a few months ago the project, officially known as California WaterFix, was sputtering for a lack of funds. B

The giant Metropolitan Water District of Southern California agreed to spend $10.8 billion on the project.

M W D supplies about 75 percent of the water that Malibu drinks.

The M W D and San Jose agency are stepping in for the San Joaquin Valley agribusiness districts that have refused to support WaterFix.

The farm agencies would rather increase the height of Shasta Dam … flooding sacred indian sites and wrecking the McCloud River … a wild river upstream of Lake Shasta.


It’s here.

Global warming is having measurable impacts …. in Malibu and all of California

Details: http://www.radiomalibu.net/climate-change-is-here/

The report is here: https://oehha.ca.gov/climate-change/document/indicators-climate-change-california


Guess which Malibu restaurant makes the list of the 100 Best Brunch Restaurants in America for 2018???

Answer: http://www.radiomalibu.net/malibu-restaurant/


Weather for the Malibu ….

Patchy fog burning off at midday   )))) today … highs  ((((  69   )))) beaches … ((((   87   )))) mountains and canyons.

Winds will be blasting.

Downcoast winds …  (((  30   )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:43   )))).

After that … (((  late night and early morning coastal clouds and mountains fog again  )))) tonight … and very windy … low ((((   53 )))) beaches …  ((((  54  )))) mountains and canyons.

Nighttime west winds up to 35 miles an hour.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   less wind but the same  )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    54   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((   57    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   60   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((   56     )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  up to 2  )))) feet high ….

NW/WNW swell builds throughout the day. Biggest in PM with larger sets possible late.

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   Tide is going out to a low at 12:24 this afternoon.

A 4.1 foot high tide will crest at 7:14 tonight.    ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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