Planetary Themes for the Month of April

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

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This is a time for making new connections socially and thinking ahead in the future. The urge is to break free from limitations or attachments from the past. Be more cautious with money matters during the first week of the month and avoid acting out in reckless or rebellious ways! Seek constructive outlets for any pent-up energy.



A shift begins for you on April 3. Your communicative side seeks greater expression. This is an ideal time for writing projects and sharing your ideas. You can also deepen emotional connections with others through the 10th. On the 11th, you can benefit from more alone time and digging deeper into your inner self.



Venus enters your sign on the third for the greater expression of love, abundance and opportunities! It will also be easy to get distracted through the 10th. Try to focus your energy on finishing tasks. On the 11th, you enter a cycle for new beginnings. It’s time to start new projects, set new goals and be more physically active. 



You can expand your belief system and deepen emotional connections with others through the 10th. On the 11th, it’s time to take action in the pursuit of your goals and get things accomplished you have been putting off. This is a month to make some adjustments with your finances and dig deeper into unknown areas of your life.



You are prone to making poor judgment calls through the 10th if you don’t pay special attention to details and critical thinking. On the 11th, a favorable shift begins for making decisions and expressing more independence. Increased activity begins in your relationships. You can also attract some unusual types of people!



You can have a soft spot for others through the 10th. Just remember to set some boundaries, too. On the 11th, you can become more interested in finances and digging deeper into the unconscious. This is a month when you can be juggling many balls and get sidetracked. Try to narrow your focus and complete tasks.


An important shift begins for you on the third. You have an increased curiosity about things and interest in learning new subjects. You have ideas to share or write about, too. It may be a challenge to complete tasks through the 10th. On the 11th, you are ready for action. Activity in the relationship area can begin to heat up.



You are in a favorable cycle for deepening the emotional bonds with others through the 10th. When it comes to finances, you are prone to blind spots. Take a closer look. There is increased activity at home or dealing with family matters. Any issues will also require you to be more flexible in your views. Go with the flow. 



You are in a favorable cycle for the expression of new or inventive ideas! This is also a time to expand your knowledge. There could be some domestic and emotional issues that cloud your judgment. This begins to lift on the 11th when you move into a new cycle for making decisions and taking action in the direction of your goals! 



You have original ideas you shouldn’t take for granted. You could turn them into something profitable! It’s easier to get distracted this month, so prioritize your goals. You are in a favorable cycle for deepening emotional bonds through the 10th. From the the 11th onwards, you can feel like making some changes in the domestic area.  



With Mars and Saturn in your sign, you mean business! The tide is flowing your way for expressing your uniqueness and original ideas. From the third onward, new possibilities can open to improve your love life. When it comes to money matters, your judgment can be clouded. Wait until after the 11th to make important decisions.



As Mercury transits your sign through the 10th, you are in your own element for communicating your feelings and expressing creativity. You can also be dealing with some internal issues that need to be released. There may be some indecision regarding relationships and domestic matters. Take a more realistic approach.