Planetary Themes for the Month of October

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

The planet Mercury begins its retrograde cycle from Oct. 13 – Nov. 3.  Avoid misunderstandings and be crystal clear in your communications. This period is also a “double whammy” for making important decisions or taking actions since Mars is retrograde at the same time.


As your planetary ruler, Mars continues its challenging retrograde cycle, you can be dealing with your share of responsibilities or some obstacles to overcome. You can also be rewarded for your hard work. Your personal relationships can balance things out. Be more cautious and conservative with the handling of money.


An important shift begins on Oct. 2 as your planetary ruler, Venus, enters Virgo. You move into a favorable cycle for work, career matters and achieving your goals. Be open to new investment opportunities. Health and wellness can also become a priority. Seek to make compromises in your personal relationships.


This can be a time for self-reflection and connecting to your deeper feelings and emotions. Your involvement with your work and daily routines can intensify. During the second half of October, try to get better organized. You may have to redo some of your work. A shift begins on the 27th to help restore more balance in your life. 


This is the time to put your ideas to work for you! You have a fertile imagination. Opportunities are more plentiful in the material realm if you connect with others and your social network. You can also get better tuned in to your needs or resolve inner conflicts. You may have some unfinished business with others from the past.


A balance will need to be made between domestic matters and your career. Try to be more adaptable and compromising when dealing with family members. Work and money matters can take on more importance. You can be dealing with added responsibilities. You may also feel the urge to re-visit distant places from the past.


On Oct. 2, Venus enters your sign until the 27th!  You are in your high cycle for manifesting in the material realm and expressing greater love. This can be a favorable period for accomplishing your goals and making the best use of resources. Be more flexible with agreements and communications with others.


An important shift begins on Oct. 2. This can be an ideal time for taking an inner journey and discovering new things about yourself. This is also the time for work and getting tasks completed. Health and wellness can become a priority. Your value system can also be going through some growth and change on a spiritual level.


As Mercury transits your sign until the 27th, you are in your own element for communicating your thoughts and feelings. However, when it comes to agreements or partnerships, more flexibility will be required from you. Be willing to compromise. New doors of opportunity can open through your social network. 


You can take on a more serious tone toward your finances and career matters. There is the temptation to juggle too many balls. Narrowing your focus will help you attain your goals in the material realm. There may be some unresolved emotions from your past that needs to be expressed. This can take a load off your shoulders. 


There can continue to be some unfinished business or internal issues with family matters that need to be resolved. This can also be an ideal time to fix things around the house. On Oct. 2, a favorable cycle begins for manifesting in the material realm and improving your personal relationships. Your work is a priority.  


You can have some fixed ideas and emotions that you need to let go of. When it comes to career and domestic matters, there could be some surprises or changes to adjust to. You are also subject to changing your mind more easily. Be patient making decisions. You can attract support or resources from others when need them.


You can be a magnet for attraction in your relationships from Oct. 2 as Venus transits Virgo. There can also be some new work or financial opportunities to be on the look-out for. When it comes to your finances, be more cautious not to let money slip through your fingers. There may be some unexpected expenditures.