Letter: Every Vote Counts

Letter to the Editor

Why should you vote in the upcoming election? Because Malibu is a small city. We have only about 8,000 voters. Every vote counts. The city faces serious challenges in the coming four years. The only way we will be able to succeed is through the presence of a unified and informed electorate.

In the year that we were elected, 40% of registered voters turned out to vote. In the City Council election two years ago, that number fell to 30%. Malibu city government is more representational when election turnout is high. The best solutions arise when each and every one of us makes our voice heard.

So, please, find a way to vote in the upcoming election. If you aren’t able to cast a ballot on Election Day, then go to the Malibu City website (malibucity.org) for an absentee ballot application, or look for your ballot statement in the mail in early March.

On April 8, help make sure the City Council is a reflection of the people it serves by casting your ballot. In a city so small, every vote really does matter.

Laura Rosenthal,

Malibu City Councilmember 

Lou La Monte, 

Malibu City Councilmember