Last Wednesday I received a “push poll” call – a voter manipulation campaign disguised as a survey, actually an expensive propaganda tool, designed to sway one’s vote by stating negatives about opponents. Many questions were rhetorical, often untrue and cast council incumbents in a bad light. Pollsters wouldn’t say who sponsored the “survey.”
Questions went like this: “Does it concern you that the present City Council has gotten nothing done…” “Does it concern you that this council killed a prior council’s LCP…?” “Does it concern you that this council rehired a city attorney who was …?” “Does it concern you that this Council bickers…,” When in actuality past councils often bickered into the wee hours.
The amount of negativism and distortion was appalling. One would never know what an improvement this council is over prior councils, nor recognize the competence of our present city attorney. As a 28-year resident of Malibu, I believe that our current council is the most productive we’ve had. I’m disgusted by the abuse heaped upon them by opponents. The ironic thing is that everyone in Malibu politics actually wants the same things – slow-growth, reduction of traffic, protect the environment.
I’m troubled that the sponsors of this poll seem to believe that “the ends (beating this council), justify the means” (tearing apart the community with negativity). The poll sponsors want to criticize anything and everything this council does, never giving credit where credit is due, never citing irrefutable accomplishments, i.e. the creation of a $10 million reserve, real progress toward maintaining ball fields on Bluffs, creating neighborhood parks, $10 million in grants for public works, or valiant efforts to fight Coastal’s unreasonable LCP. This council has dramatically improved Malibu’s relationships with county and state officials with whom this city must work to accomplish anything. Thus our community spirit has been dramatically jeopardized by these negative campaign tactics. It’s no wonder that few good people will run for public office, knowing their honest efforts to champion slow growth and serve the community can be distorted by those with deep pockets and an obsessive desire to rule Malibu.
Mona Loo