Casey and Melanie Barber


Casey McCartney Barber and Melanie Cecile Jones Barber died following a July 31 accident. They were both 40.

Casey Barber was born Feb. 1, 1966 and was raised in Pacific Beach and attended St. Augustus and Mission Bay High. He graduated from the University of San Diego with a bachelor’s degree in business. He focused on theater arts and production, stage-managing and lighting techniques. After graduation, he joined the Set Builders’ Union in San Diego and was a member for 20 years as a master carpenter. As a young boy he learned to surf from his father, Ralph. Surfing was a passion throughout his life.

Melanie Barber was born Dec. 27, 1965. She was raised in San Pedro as the youngest of 11 children. She graduated from Mary Star High School and received a basketball scholarship to UC Riverside, where she also played volleyball, leading her team to its first national championship. She played professional club volleyball in Switzerland.

The couple met in Mammoth Lakes. They settled in San Diego and had three sons. They enjoyed many family activities, including camping, skiing, hiking, swimming, boating, fishing, surfing, bike riding, soccer, baseball and gardening.

The couple regularly visited Malibu and were known by many people in the community.

The couple is survived by three sons, Nicholas, Cullen and Albert, parents’ Ralph and Nancy Barber and Stan and Bette Jones and their brothers and sisters, including Mary Wilson of Malibu.

A Hawaiian Surfer’s Tribute and memorial service took place earlier this week. A memorial service will also take place in Durango, Colo. on Aug. 17.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Melanie and Casey Barber Family Fund at Washington Mutual, account 3124243241. Donations can be made at any Washington Mutual Branch.