KBUU Newswire – Day 327 – Wed Oct 2 – Supes May Raid Malibu City Treasury To Staunch Sheriff Red Ink – MHS Parents Meet With Officials – LA Follows Malibu On Straws – SMMUSD Board May Remove Redwood Art

  • =   Malibu may soon be paying more for sheriff’s patrols.  A lot more.
  • =   L A supervisors are looking to cities like Malibu to stem the 63 million dollar budget blowout. .
  • =  Malibu High parents meet with the sheriff’s department over the security scares last week.
  • =   The City of LA follows Malibu on plastic straws .… but not quite all the way.
  • =   And the Santa Monica Malibu school board may eliminate a historic grove of redwoods in Santa Monica. Really.
  • ——

Malibu’s Only Local Daily News is in 8 minutes … here on the new 99 point 1 FM … KBU.

Support for this broadcast comes from Rancho del Cielo … a partner bringing public radio to the Malibu coast.

It’s (((  time  ))).

More Malibu news …. after the California Report …. on 99 point 1

K B U U – L P Malibu Los Angeles.


Traffic is …

The weather is ….

And the surf is …

This is Malibu’s only local daily news. It’s the   ((((  time  ))) edition of the (((  day ))) news … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Malibu and other small cities that hire the L-A County Sheriff’s Department to be their city police force may soon start paying more for their contracts.  A lot more.  That’s one upshot from yesterday’s showdown between the L A County Board of Supervisors … and sheriff Alex Villanueva.  Detail:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/supes-target-malibu/


Malibu High School parents met with principals and there L A County sheriff yesterday morning.

This as students and staff continue to grapple with two security incidents at the school last week.

In the meeting … parents asked for more information than they had been getting.

One parent told KBUU News outside that he felt parents should have been told a week ago about a man who had been denied entrance top the school … and gotten into an altercation with a security guard.


“That would be great information.

“If there is somebody has threatened the school, it would be great to know what kind of car he drives, and what he looks like, so if our kids see him driving around the block, they could actually notify an adult.”

Sheriff’s deputies agreed.

In the meeting … principal Patrick Miller said that … as bad as the incidents were last week … he is more concerned with students treating each other badly.


The Malibu school pathway director … Isaac Burgess … told KBUU News what is next.


“I think what’s next is really continuing to engage our students in the conversation around the incident, reassuring them of our plan of action.

“Just making sure that everybody knows.

“And still continuing to engage our parents at the same time.”


The City of Los Angeles is taking baby steps to reduce the amount of plastic trash in the ocean.

Beginning next week, all restaurants in the city of L A will only give customers a plastic straw if they ask for one.

Only restaurant with more than 26 employees are affected.

Ad the Los Angeles Times notes … the L A measure does not go as far as San Francisco or Malibu … which have completely banned plastic straws.

But it does allow L A city council members to crow about being environmentally sensitive … without taking the politically correct but widely-unpopular move of banning plastic straws entirely.

Conservatives from President trump down to local talk radio hosts are ridiculing coastal cities that ban plastic straws.

the president has gone so far as to sell personally-endorsed plastic straws as campaign fundraisers.


The cities of Thousand Oaks and Ventura have joined 33 other California Cities … asking the US Supreme Court to ban sleeping please ruling on sidewalks.

They are appealing the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision out of Boise Idaho … which in effect decriminalized sleeping in public.

That federal court decision means that the government cannot criminalize homeless people for sleeping outdoors, on public property, unless there is a homeless shelter bed available.

The Boise decision has been cited any L A County sheriff’s deputies for their inability to remove homeless people from streets and sidewalks in Malib.

That and Coastal Commission interpretations of coastal access laws …

There’s no indication if the U S Supreme Court will take the case …

This story was reported by the Ventura County Star.


In news from down the coast … the Santa Monica Malibu School Board may remove a redwood forest from a busy street corner in Santa Monica.

Actually … it’s a mural of a redwood forest.

You’ve seen it.

The mural has been on Lincoln Boulevard at Ocean park Boulevard since you were a kid.

It’s the former site of John Muir elementary School.

Now … that campus holds several schools .. it’s been renamed the Michelle and Barack Obama Center for Inquiry and Exploration.

The school board is being told that the redwoods are peeling … and shedding lead paint chips into the dirt planter underneath … maybe into the ocean.

And .. the school district staff says it is necessary to re-brand the look and feel of the campus to better represent its students, staff, and programs.

An attempt to scrape off The district attempted to address the problems posed by the lead paint by scraping the flaking paint and painting over it with a clear coat, according to Thursday’s agenda, “(but) the result is an unsightly set of walls on a prominent corner of the facility.” District staff said a new mural could potentially be painted on the exterior corner in the future once the programs at the school are fully developed.

Traffic … in 65 seconds … first …


((((   Sunny   )))) … highs  ((((   77  )))) beaches … ((((   88     )))) mountains and canyons.

Strong Downcoast winds …  (((  up to 25   )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   6:39    )))).

After that … (((   clear  )))) tonight … low ((((  61   )))) beaches …  ((((   48   )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    less windy    )))).

Right now along the coast:

At Leo Carrillo Beach …   ((((   59   )))).

Here at KBUU in Trancas it’s ((((   58    )))) degrees.

Point Dume …  (((   62  ))).

Paradise Cove …  (((    ))).

And Big Rock …  (((  54  ))).

In Upper Malibu Canyon …  ((((     38   )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   60   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((       )))) degrees in the water at Surfrider.

(((   66  ))) at Trancas Tower 14.

Mo says the waves today are   ((((  2 to 3   )))) feet high ….

Those are ((((  fair to good )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   High tide is at 5.6ft

Low     tide      7:28pm        ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

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