Cut for a cause

Alee Cao (left) takes a large lock of Lily Bigler's hair during the Locks of Love charity event held last year at Malibu High School.

Pepperdine University will host the sixth annual Locks of Love event on Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Salon at Malibu Creek, located at 3862 Cross Creek Road. The owner, Shala Minagar, has donated five hairstylists’ time and talent to the event.

Hairstylist Michael Ahmeti will co-sponsor his sixth Locks of Love event with Pepperdine University. Each person will receive a free T-shirt, haircut and the opportunity to share their hair with kids in need.

Stacy Rothberg, Seaver College associate dean of students for housing and community living at Pepperdine, has worked with Locks of Love for the past six years. She said, “This is an amazing event where we partner with the community to share precious ‘locks of love’ with children that do not have any hair. While it is a personal sacrifice, each donation is worthwhile and greatly appreciated.”

Locks of Love is a nonprofit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. Donated hair is used to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. The prostheses help restore self-esteem and confidence, enabling kids to face the world and their peers.

To reserve an appointment and for more information, contact Stacy Rothberg at 310.506.6272 or email her at