Importance of steelhead


On August 10, 2005, the Coastal Commission, despite a staff recommendation for approval, in a unanimous vote (10-0), denied a coastal development permit for the Forge Lodge, a 28-suite hotel (each suite was to be 580 sq. ft.) ,which was to be built too close to the creek. Solstice Creek is one of the most pristine creeks in the Santa Monica Mountains and Malibu area. The National Marine Fisheries had designated this creek suitable for the reintroduction of the endangered steelhead trout and about $3 million to date has been spent or committed to take out barriers to the steelheads successful reintroduction.

The steelhead is an important fish since it can survive periods of drought and thrives in warm waters. With the prospect of climate change looming, the steelhead may very well be the fish food source of the future. It can survive where its northern coldwater brethren, the salmon and trout, may not be able to survive global warming. The Commission’s rationale for denial were the following: portions of the hotel were not set back the required 100 feet from the outer riparian canopy, the project was just too big for this fragile and constrained site, and all the necessary studies were not done to ensure the survival of the creek from the impacts of this development.

The project as currently designed was opposed by Heal the Bay, Malibu Coalition for Slow Growth, Santa Monica Baykeeper, Sierra Club and the various resource agencies. All opposed agreed that this was an ideal site for a smaller visitor-serving facility and the Commission invited the Forges to come back with a smaller project.

Patt Healy

Malibu Coalition for Slow Growth