Big Surf This Week, Rain Maybe Friday – 101 Still Closed – Homeless Camp 15 Mile Upcoast


Big waves this week … rain possible Friday.

101 is still closed west of Ventura.

Malibu will study affect of raising ocean on beaches.

SaMo to reduce new houses by 20%.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Monday  ))) news … from Radio Malibu  ….  99 point 1 K B U U.

Good morning Malibu. I’m Hans Laetz reporting!

Big Waves Headed Our Way

Energy from a large northwest swell across the North Pacific Ocean will filter into the waters off Malibu today … 

Initially, high surf between 6 to 9 feet can be  expected today … increasing to 7 to 10 feet with local sets to 12 feet tonight through early Wednesday.

High surf will begin to diminish somewhat late Wednesday night.

These big waves will come on top of celestial high tides of around 6 feet.

These storms may drop a little rain here on Thursday … and a lot of rain here maybe next week.

Death Toll 20, Extra Train Cars Only Way To Get To SB

The death toll in Montecito and Santa Barbara is now 20.

The 101 freeway remains closed until further notice .. between Carpinteria and Santa Barbara.

Rail tracks have reopened.

Amtrak California is running extra long trains to Santa Barbara County … from Los Angeles … Oxnard and Ventura.

City Wants To Study Local Impact Of Rising Seas

Malibu faces a sea level that is going up… and up.

The National Weather Service has been saying that high tides are cresting up to a foot higher … than forecast in the tide tables.

Remember when the ocean was unusually warm last year???

A report from City of Malibu staff concludes that thermal expansion of the ocean is believed to have caused a local sea level rise of up to 10 inches for a period of several monthsin 2016.

There is a U S government tide station at Santa Monica … tracking sea level data from 1933 to the present.

It has documented a sea level rise trend of 6 inches in 100 years, based on a linear projection. Unfortunately … the ocean does not rise in a linear manner.

Current sea level rise science is projecting increases in the rate of sea level rise, depending upon various greenhouse gas emission scenarios and rates of continental ice melt.

Coastal erosion will add to the sediment supply as long as the coastline is not armored.

But numerous flood control and erosion control structures have been built … and homeowners will by nature protect their land from eroding.

The city staff want to hire scientists for a Coastal Vulnerability Analysis consultant to determine susceptibility of the coastline to the effects of climate change.

This goes before the city council next week.

Quiet Week At Malibu City Hall

Not much of significance on this week’s city hall agenda watch.

The Planning Commission meets tomorrow … today is a holiday.

A few residential projects are on the planning agenda.

The Parks Commission also meets tomorrow.

They will discuss where exactly to plaace a donated stone statue … at Legacy Park.

The stylized statue of an anchor  … called Anchor For Malibu … was created in 2004 by Israeli sculptor Emanuel Hatzofe at his studio near Tel Aviv, Israel.

Malibu resident Dan Sandel worked with the Tel Aviv Museum of Art to purchase the sculpture for his home in Malibu in 2005.

Sandel is donating the sculpture to the city.

After some discussion … a site in the educational amphitheater at Legacy Park is proposed for the anchor. 

More From Lucy Jones On Quake Impact: Water

We’re still unpacking the presentation by Doctor Lucy Jones … last week at the city council … on specific earthquake hazards for Malibu.

Jones says 80 percent of the disruption from a big quake in Malibu will involve water.

Broken pipes … no water to put out fires.

Jones told the Malibu city council it’s not just a local problem.


“Pipes in the ground very vulnerable.

“And here in Southern California, we have another issue, ofh all the water coming in across the  San Andreas Fault in the State Water Project.

“All of the aqueducts are going to be broken, in the same earthquake.”  [[[   end quote   ]]]

And Jones told the Malibu city council the regional impact of a big one may be felt for months.


“Our estimate when we analyzed the San Andreas earthquake, when I was the USGS, was six months to restore service to all of the homes and businesses across Southern California.”

Malibu’s water supply comes through one pipe … from Culver City to Santa Monica …. then up a section of P C H that has been predicted to fail to landslides … liquefaction … or other earthquake catastrophes.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))

Santa Monica Considers Reducing Mansions 20%

In Santa Monica … the city manager is proposing an emergency ordinance to halt the “mansionization” of that city.

According to the Santa Monica Daily Press … city manager Rick Cole proposes a 20 percent reduction in the maximum size of new houses in residential neighborhoods.

At the City Council meeting last week … Cole said the new mansions are too big and too energy intensive.

They change the character of neighborhood and they (infringe) on the quality of life of nearby residents.

Malibu has also been grappling with new houses that are bigger than neighborhood standards.

The city council here has directed staff to survey existing houses near proposed new ones …. to let the Planning Commission veto houses that violate neighborhood standards.

Huge Homeless Encampment 15 Miles West To Be Evicted

In news from just up the beach … a large homeless encampment on the beach about 15 miles west of Malibu is about to be dismantled.

And it is large … 150 people.

They have set up camp at the former Halaco factory … at Ormond beach … just west of the Navy airfield and east of Port Hueneme.

That is a contaminated metal foundry … closed for years … a Superfund clean up site.

The Ventura County Star reports resident in the area say Crime increased in the area, straining public safety resources.

In October, police posted signs and warned that the camp would be shut down in December.

The Ventura County Star reports social workers and police were at the site on Friday … tellling people to remove their belongings before police do it for them

The Ventura County Star reports many of the homeless will be bused to a National Guard armory in Ventura … now that it has been freed up from firefighting base station duties.

The homeless living at an Oxnard Superfund site will soon be forced off the property as police plan an operation this week to remove them.

But there are 150 people … and it is not clear where all will go.

Again … this is about 15 miles up the coast from Malibu.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   partly sunny   )))) today … highs around  ((((   67  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   77   )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Winds will be strong.

Downcoast winds will be   (((  up to 25  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((     5:07   )))).

After that … expect ((( patchy fog and coastal clouds )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   52   )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   51   )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow  ((((   … patchy fog in the morning and cooler.  )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    55   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    62    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((      )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    56    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((   3 to 5  )))) feet high this morning,….

New, long period WNW swell builds through the day.

Focal points are running 5-7’+ through the afternoon. Deep morning. high tide

((((  High tide is at 7:44 this morning.

Low tide is at 2:56.

A second … minor high tide is at 9:23 PM  ))))


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