Cross Creek Rd Closures Coming – 90 Power Poles in Canyon To Be Replaced – Some Guy Cited For Painting A Reflective Strip (?)


Here come the construction barricades.

Cross Creek Road will be closed …. coming off PCH  … in one month.

And 90 wooden power poles in Malibu Canyon are going to be replaced this summer.

Overnight lane closures there.

Southern California Edison Company is still evaluating what went wrong last night.

Not only Malibu … but the 101 corridor cities were blinking on and off.


This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the Friday edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Good morning Malibu!


This spring is going to be the season of the orange construction barrel in Malibu.

Sewer construction in the Malibu Civic Center is heading towards Cross Creek Road … in the heart of the city.

Starting in two weeks … on March 9th …. half of Cross Creek road past Starbucks and the movie theater will be dug up.

There will be flaggers directing traffic.

Then .. on March 20th … the construction will move down Cross Creek to the signal at PCH.

That mean no turns from either direction from P-C-H onto Cross Creek at the traffic light.

You can logically expect that to jam traffic on P-C-H.

That closure will be in effect weekdays … through the month of April.

The city suggests motorists access Cross Creek by using Webb Way and Civic Center Way …. or by driving through the parking lot by the movie theater.

All this is to install sewer pipes to connect the shopping centers to the new 60 million dollar sewer plant … under construction up on Civic Center Way in Winter Canyon.


And KBU News has learned that the big Malibu Canyon Road power pole replacement project is going to start in April.

The pole project will replace overloaded and failing wooden poles … with steel towers along 3-point-3 miles of road deep in the canyon.

It’s about four years overdue.

There will be overnight construction … for up to seven months … starting in April. 

The county highway department says traffic will be delayed by flaggers at night … and should not be affected during the daytime. 

The Southern California Edison company … and several cellular communication companies … are undertaking the work.

The project was ordered after Malibu activists and the state of California’s Public Utilities Commission won a total of 67 million dollars in fines and construction commitments from the power company and the cell companies.

The companies were found by the PUC to have overloaded poles that fell in a windstorm and ignited a huge wildfire … which took out two dozen structures in the Malibu civic center area in 2007.

The utility companies have been given several extensions on deadlines to rebuild the spindly and overloaded power poles in the canyon.

90 wooden poles are going to be replaced with steel towers.

Edison officials plan to brief local reporters on the exact plans next week.


Southern California Edison officials were at a loss last night … to immediately explain what went wrong on the Malibu power grid. 

Beginning at precisely 8 o’clock … a series of four momentary outages caused electrical equipment to shutdown and reboot along the entire Malibu coast.

Edison officials said last night that they were working to find out what went wrong.

The outages came shortly after two incidents involving Edison overhead electrical equipment in the Calabasas area … which could have triggered switching problems on the side of the hill.

A power p ole caught fire at Mulholland Highway near viewpoint school at 7:15.

And at at 7:30 … Lines were reported down about 4 miles to the west … at Mulholland near King Gillette Ranch.

Transmission lines that bring power to Malibu do indeed run along Mulholland. 

But … linking those problems to the outages over here is pure conjecture at this point.

Edison officials have in the past blamed the frequency of outages here … on the fact that Malibu is reltaively isolated … and they have limited ways to bring power over the hill. 

These are just the latest outages to hit Malibu … which has seen more than two dozen Power outages since October first.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


Malibu’s most famous transgender person is speaking out against the Donald Trump administration’s decision to revoke federal guidelines about transgender students … and public school restrooms.

Kaitlyn Jenner has posted a video message to the president.

Jenner …a registered Republican .. voted for Trump. 

In the video … she reminded Trump that he “made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community.”

“I have a message for President Trump, from one Republican to another,” Jenner said. “This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”

Kaitlyn Jenner … Malibu activist … speaking to Donald Trump. 


Malibu may declare itself to be a sanctuary city … it’s on the agenda for the next city council meeting.

In Santa Monica … that city is stopping short of that move. 

The Santa Monica Daily Press reports that Santa Monica is drafting a new ordinance that would prohibit companies from gathering information on any client’s religion, immigration status or sexual orientation in the City.

City agencies .. like the police … are covered by the proposed ordinance.

It applies to employers, landlords, housing agencies and other organizations. 

And the Santa Monica ordinance would prohibit the police and private entities from sharing immigration status information with other entities.

The Santa Monica Daily Press reports that the ordinance aims to reiterate the City’s support of immigrants … but stops short of proclaiming sanctuary city status. 


The January traffic ticket tally is out.

The L-A county sheriff’s office reports 491 traffic tickets were written n Malibu in the month of January.

Most of them … 286 .. for speeding .. and all but one of those caught by radar.

Just one drunk driver was cited.

Zero bicycle citations.

Nine people were injured in car crashes … but no fatalities.

The most dangerous intersections …. four crashes each … PCH at las Flores … and the newly redesigned traffic signal at PCH and Big Rock. 

Unsafe speed … driving too fast … the overwhelming cause for crashes.

One person in Malibu was cited for erasing a reflective coating … apparently a parking zone caper… 


Traffic … 65 seconds.


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   sunny and cool … 59   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((      )))) inland. 

Winds will be gusty and cold … blowing in from over the mountains.…

Gusts as high as 20 miles an hour.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    5:44   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  mostly clear   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   44  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   35   )))) in the canyons.

There is a frost advisory for the canyons again tonight.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   mostly sunny …. but a small chance for rain Saturday night and Sunday.  )))).

Right now … it’s ((((    45 degrees   )))) at Trancas.

((((   51     )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((   49   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((     52  )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.


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