Pepperdine and Malibu Bay Co. raise objections to proposed cemetery traffic – Plans to allow hotels to shuffle parking down the road air tonight – And a $70 million flip


Pepperdine and the Malibu Bay Company raise objections to traffic jams … from a proposed cemetery.

The city council will decide tonight … if hotels can shuffle their parking problems down the P C H. 

And a once-notorious Malibu mansion gets flipped … for 70 million dollars. 

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the Wednesday edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Good morning Malibu Road!

The proposal to build a cemetery in the heart of Malibu goes to the Planning Commission next week. 

And now … Pepperdine University and the Malibu Bay Company have come out with letters that question the concept. 

Both companies tell the city they are concerned with crowds and traffic that a cemetery will attract. 

A lawyer for the malibu Bay Company … which owns land near the project … says the city failed to consider the traffic impact of a cemetery in the heart of this city. 

The cemetery may hold six to seven funerals per day on a weekend. 

And the city says funeral processions will not obstruct traffic on Malibu’s only street … Pacific Coast Highway … because they will be monitored and escorted.

But funeral escorts are designed to slow traffic … and block lanes. 

The impact of six to seven funeral processions per day has not been evaluated in the city traffic study … for the proposed cemetery. 

And the Malibu Bay Company says the City needs to calculate this traffic jam possibility … and make plans to eliminate the jams … before it decides on the cemetery.

And now … Pepperdine University raises the possibility of massive crowds crowding the center of the city when celebrities are buried in Malibu … or the relatives of celebrities.

The city says it would prevent traffic problems and crowds by requiring valet parking on busy days. 

But there are no details at all on how crowds will be handled … 

No details about where the valet cars would stash cars …. 

How that traffic would be handled … is not analyzed by the city.

The matter goes before the city Planning Commission next week …. 


This is coming as parking issues in eastern Malibu are … in the words of one community leader … reaching the tipping point. 

The city is going after the new restaurants that are overloading P C H with zigzag valet cross traffic … and employees parking on the highway. 

And tonight …. the City Council looks at the proposed ordinance that would allow hotels to move their parking lots down P C H  …. away from their pricey beachfront land.

The proposal is sparked by an effort by the Malibu Beach Inn to replace its oceanfront parking lot with a swimming pool …. and move their parking down the PCH and across the highway. 

The Planning Commission bristled at that concept …. and asked the city bureaucrats exactly how that would affect P C H traffic.

The planning director says it’s not possible to calculate that now … they have to see the exact requests that would come in under the new ordinance.

And City Hall staff have essentially bypassed the Planning Commission objections …. and taken the proposed ordinance directly to the City Council. 


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


Charter cable customers may soon get caught in a programming blackout.

About a third of Malibu homes are connected to Charter programming through its Spectrum brand name.

Charter is now one of the largest cable companies in the U-S … and it is squabbling with Fox Networks over how much customer money it will fork over for Fox programming. 

Charter says Fox has doubled the wholesale price. 

Last Friday … Fox warned Charter customers they could lose its networks.

Channels affected include FX, National Geographic, Fox Sports and regional sports nets.

Fox also operates channels 11 and 13 in Los Angeles … but it’s not clear if those channels would also drop off the Charter cable system.


A wealthy investor from Asia has reportedly purchased the blufftop mansion …. directly above Malibu Lagoon …. once owned by a playboy African dictator’s son.

Purchase price – 70 million dollars. 

The mansion is directly above the Malibu Pier …  it’s the huge compound visible on the oceanfront ridge from the Civic Center area.

A decade ago … publisher Anne Soble at the old Malibu Surfside News broke the story that the mansion had been purchased by a former Pepperdine student named Teodoro Nguema Obiang.

He is the supercar-loving party animal and art collecting son of the president of Equatorial Guinea … 

He and his family have systematically been looting oil riches from that starved country.  

Obiang was accused of using funds stolen from his home country to buy the Malibu property.

The U-S government seized the house … which includes a golf course, a swimming pool, ponds and a tennis court on the ridgetop.

It sold the house for 38 million dollars to two investors …. they flipped it for 70 million dollars. 

Our new neighbor?

A shell company in the British Virgin Islands … called Malibu LaMalibu.

So … welcome Mister and Missus LaMalibu to your new home. 

See you at the Farmers Market. 


A 17-year-old girl Santa Monica has died. 

Leslie Hernandez was found dead … of a drug overdose … at the mouth of the L A River in Long Beach last week.

Her body may have been dumped there . police are investigating, 

Th is is the fourth child in Santa Monica to die this school year … although Hernandez had not been enrolled in local schools for some time. 

Three students at Santa Monica High have died this year … one of a drug-induced accident … and two of undisclosed medical causes.

There are more than 3 thousand students at SaMoHi … but this year’s losses have hit the community hard. 


Did you know that it is illegal to throw batteries away?

It’s not only illegal .. it’s bad for the earth.

The city of Malibu is next week going to install battery recycling bins at City Hall. 

“Battery recycling keeps highly toxic materials out of the environment and saves natural resources” notes the mayor …. Lou La Monte.

The new battery collection bins will be located on both the first- and second-floor lobbies of City Hall and will allow residents to drop off batteries for recycling anytime City Hall is open.

This starts next Tuesday.

Traffic … in 65 seconds … first …. 


Weather for the Malibu ….

Mostly sunny … but a storm is moving in north of us that may bring sprinkes to the Bu.

It will be ((((   63  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((    63  )))) inland. 

Winds will be strong.

Downcoast winds will be   (((  gusting to 25  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:22   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((   cloudy  )))) tonight … with a 20 percent chance of rain after midnight. 

A low of  (((( 53    )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   53  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be cloudy with a 30 percent chance of rain  …. clearing in the afternoon and a high near 62.

The weekend should be nice … but we may get rain Monday and Tuesday.

Right now … it’s ((((    51    )))) at Trancas.

((((    56   )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((   56   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((   56     )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  3 to 4  )))) feet high …. 

((((   Larger WNW swell fills in through the day. 

SSW swell slowly eases. Watching wind conditions)))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  Hi tide is at 11:07 this morning  … at 4 feet.

The low is at 4:43 in the afternoon.

A five foot high tide arrives at 10:54 tonight.   ))))


John Warren Geils Jr., the artist known professionally as J. Geils and part of the rock group The J. Geils Band, was found dead in his Massachusetts home yesterday.

Natural causes … he was 71. 

His biggest hit was probably Angel In the Centerfold.

We play this ….