With regard to Valerie Sklarevsky’s letter in last week’s paper, I first want to stress that I agree with most of her letter and most of the great causes she supports, but I think destroying her vegetables is pretty pointless.
So, what does she eat? There are dangerous additives in processed food and her own organic veggies are probably safer than any alternatives.
Unfortunately, there are probably traces of radiation in our milk, water and most food produced recently, so we must all suffer the consequences of bad decisions made by governments, but what is the answer? Seaweed salad does not sound so pure to me right now. We can protest building new reactors and insist that dangers at San Onofre are addressed, but we still have to eat and drink. I don’t drink water from the tap anyway because it is fluoridated, but fortunately I could afford to buy a water purifier which eliminates fluoride.
My anger is, why should I have to buy one and what about the many people who can’t afford a purifier and those who don’t understand the dangers?
We are blessed to live in a beautiful country, but have so little control over those who make devastating decisions. Keep up the good work, Valerie, but eat your veggies.
Jacqueline Craven