Obituary: Cecile Dollinger


Cecile “CeCe” or “Sweetie” Dollinger — daughter of Betty and Nathan Dollinger — died of natural causes on March 21. She was 86 years old.

Dollinger was born on Feb. 16, 1930. Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., she married and raised three children — Karen Rosenberg-Auslaender of Conifer, Colo., Gale Rosenberg of Sherman Oaks and Mitchell Rosenberg of Thousand Oaks — in Tarzana. She moved to Malibu in 1994 following the Northridge Earthquake.

Dollinger was a watercolor and collage artist for nearly 70 years. She was an award-winning member of The Valley Watercolor Society, the Valley Artists’ Guild, Collage Artists of America, Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains, the Malibu Artist Society, Artists of the Southwest, Inc. and the Kauai Society of Artists.

She also served as treasurer of the Tivoli Cove Homeowners Association before moving to Assisted Living around 2011.

“She was a great storyteller, funny, gregarious and feisty up until her dying day,” a loved one said. “She brought joy to those around her and had many people she met day to day, that just adored her, as did her family.”

Dollinger is survived by her three children and her four grand-children: Ashley, Andy and Paige Rosenberg and Martin Auslaender.

“Visual impressions of the world around me, the beauty and the turbulence of nature, remembrances and everyday chance encounters with color, texture, shapes, shadows and objects are a constant source of inspiration in my artistic endeavors,” Dollinger once said regarding her art.

Funeral services took place at Mt. Sinai’s Jewish Cemetery in Burbank on March 25, followed by a celebration of life at Blu Jam in Sherman Oaks.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Red Wagon Society of Children’s Hospital LA. Checks can be mailed to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, located at 4650 Sunset Blvd. #29. Please put “Cecile Dollinger” in the memo line of each check.