Continued high temperatures could lead to failed equipment and power outages this weekend, according to the Media Relations department at Southern California Edison.
“Many customers have been using more energy in the evenings because of the high temperatures, especially air conditioning, which is putting a strain on SCE’s distribution equipment.” said the SCE in a recent press release.
While the SCE has increased the number of crews available to respond to outages, they are still encouraging their customers to conserve energy use. They have listed the following tips on their website:
Conservation tips:
• Turn off unused appliances and equipment.
• Shut off lights when leaving a room.
• Close drapes and blinds to keep out direct sunlight during hot periods.
• Avoid using evaporative coolers or humidifiers at the same time an air conditioner is running.
• Operate swimming pool equipment and energy-intensive appliances, such as dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, during early morning and evening hours.
• Limit the opening and reopening of refrigerators, which are major users of electricity in most homes.
• When possible, businesses should shift power-intensive work processes to morning or evening hours.
• Turn off lights in unused areas.
SCE recommends customers try to stay as cool as possible during the heat.
• Keep outdoor activities to a minimum, and drink a lot of water during the hottest parts of the day.
• During a power outage, turn off and unplug any unnecessary electrical equipment, including sensitive electronics.
• Open the refrigerator and freezer only when necessary to keep the food cold.
• Low-income and medically sensitive customers can take advantage of “Cool Centers,” which are operated by local governments and community-based organizations. A list of locations can be found at
SCE recommends customers follow these safety tips if a power outage occurs:
• Use flashlights for lighting during a power outage; do not use candles because they pose a significant fire hazard.
• Never attempt to move or go near a downed power line. Call 911 to report the situation.
• Watch for traffic signals that may be out. Approach those intersections as four-way stops.
• If someone in your home is dependent on electric-powered, life sustaining medical equipment, have an emergency plan that includes a back-up power source, or make arrangements to relocate.
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