We have a community of activists. Save the Whales, save the environment, Heal the Bay … What about save our children!
Folks, we have an epidemic of teen drug use in our community. It is a serious, real problem that needs our immediate attention. One teen was bragging that her entire class was stoned during a test–this is no laughing matter. Peer pressure and availability of a wide assortment of drugs is poisoning our local youth. One teen refuses to use the bathroom at school because other kids force him to smoke weed. We have dogs sniffing lockers at school for drugs. Wake up, Malibu! The local court and news have stories of local celebrities imprisoned for drug use. Take Robert Downey Jr., for instance. His chronic drug use was caused by him starting his addiction as a young teenager.
Solutions — Parents, students, teachers have to rally together and face the music before it is too late. We have a community of the most creative people on the planet. What about giving our children a replacement. Activities that promote their talents … music, theater, filmmaking, writing, sports. It is up to the parents. Mother Teresa said that charity begins at home. Let’s concentrate on our youth.
Concerned parent