Malibu CERT Sign-Ups Open

CERT members and other volunteers organize donations at Zuma Beach immediately following the Woolsey Fire.

Malibuites are invited to sign up for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training classes, which, this year, will follow a hybrid model due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

“CERT training includes instruction in disaster preparedness, fire suppression, disaster medical, search and rescue, disaster psychology and terrorism,” according to a prepared statement from Malibu City Manager Reva Feldman. 

Registration for the online class portion of the training is now open. That portion is self-paced, though students will be sent periodic check-ins. 

Once the online section is completed from the safety of one’s home, trainees may sign up for the in-person portion. The city will announce the in-person parts and the final drill as they are set

To register, Malibu residents may email or call 310.456.2489, ext. 368, or visit the CERT webpage at